Customized Benchmarking Research
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The KPI Institute’s benchmarking projects aim at establishing a baseline regarding performance and at analysing the facts behind a company’s success. Our benchmarking process is based on four main stages, that can be adapted to your needs:
- Planning: establishing the objectives, performing research regarding the industry, targeting stakeholders, as well as conducting a preliminary survey for identifying the indicators and validating the items used;
- Data Collection: generating customized survey instruments, by employing quantitative research as a methodology. For an in depth analysis, at request, we can also provide specific qualitative studies. All the data received is analyzed to eliminate all confusion, discrepancies or mistakes in gathering, compiling and interpreting it. All omissions and uncertainties are solved, both during and after the questionnaire completion;
- Analysis: statistical analysis is performed on the gathered data, with the purpose of identifying each company’s position at the market level (regional, national or international, depending on the benchmarking survey’s amplitude). Statistical analysis will identify overall tendencies in the market/industry and each participant company’s position on that specific market. Our statistical analysis involves regression models (for tendency identification), descriptive statistics through quartiles and percentiles and absolute frequencies of the requested data among participant companies;
- Improvement consultancy: possibility to apply changes into the organization’s management system, as a results of the study, in order to improve performance, monitor progress and plan ongoing benchmark.
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