Implementing and using a Balanced Scorecard System

Develop forward-looking strategies to drive business performance and achieve desired goals.
The training course aims to provide you with relevant knowledge on the development and implementation of the Balanced Scorecard. This course offers a comprehensive overview on the benefits an organization can obtain by implementing the Balanced Scorecard.
The highly interactive learning experience will enable you to grasp the functionality of the Balanced Scorecard and secure its purpose for strategy execution. The course focuses on delivering all the information needed to fully comprehend the value of the Balanced Scorecard, as well as on developing the necessary skills for a successful implementation
3 Key business benefits
- Gain competitive advantage by understanding the context in which the Balanced Scorecard is used;
- Attain the desired state of organizational evolution by structuring the Balanced Scorecard implementation process;
- Ensure a deeper understanding of the connections between organizational strategy and the Balanced Scorecard.
Day One: Understanding the Balanced Scorecard based Performance Management SystemIntroduction - Performance Management and the Balanced Scorecard
Analyses: Command and control thinking vs. System thinking Architecture of a Balanced Scorecard based Performance Management System
Discussion: Best practice in Balanced Scorecard design - review of examples Case study - Developing Balanced Scorecard Performance Architecture
Exercise - Customizing Balanced Scorecard templates
Discussion: Preliminary review of outputs |
Day Two: Implementing and using a Balanced Scorecard based performance Management SystemBalanced Scorecard implementation process
Discussion: Preliminary review of outputs Generating value with the Balanced Scorecard
Exercise: Identifying initiatives during a performance review meeting Balanced Scorecard in practice - success factors and challenges
Quiz: Pitfalls in working with the Balanced Scorecard Applying the course learning in organizations
Questions & answers; open discussion |
"I would rate the training 10 out of 10 and would highly recommend to others. The facilitator managed to get excellent group interaction right from the beginning, the KPI course was interesting, informative and very well presented." Mohamed Salah El-Dein, Learning & Development Manager, Salehiya Medical, Saudi Arabia |
"The KPI Institute has provided us with an excellent KPI program which was tailored to the needs of our organization. We highly recommend the Institute KPI educational programs." Ahmed Alsaheel, Human Resources Director, Salehiya Medical, Saudi Arabia |
"I found the course very beneficial and informative in terms of standardizing terminologies, definitions, documentations and other aspects of performance measurement. Since we have limited performance measures in our organization, the course was a very good start to initiate a program for building a comprehensive performance measurement system in our bank. It's highly recommended for startup initiatives and for those who want to brush up their systems." Faiqa Janahi, Manager Human Resources Planning, Bahrain Islamic Bank, Bahrain |
"Thank you for the excellent training workshop on KPIs. It was an eye-opening experience and provided much needed guidance and clarification. The information gained has provided focus and depth." Parsa Zoqaqi, Royal Univerisity for Women, Bahrain |
"This is one of the best programs regarding performance management I have ever attended. I highly recommend this training for any manager who wants to manage his/her business in the right way." Perviz Aslani, Chief Operating Officer, EMBAWOOD, Azerbaijan |
"What I've learned from the course is very useful for me as we are developing the KPI of 2013 for our Holding Co. and two SBUs under Kingfisher group." Ong-ard Wijitjitlert, Business Development Manager, Kingfisher Holdings, Thailand |
"Aurel's ability to explain key performance management theory and practical concepts to staff at all levels of management was one of the key learning experiences in this area." Clifford Chaperon, Australia Post, Australia |
"Great! So glad I found it. Gave me everything I need to do my job properly and with confidence." Leonne Jones, Brisbane City Council, Australia |
"I found the course rather good for introduction to the KPI world. I definitely benefited from it and already started to apply some of the key points in my daily work. I am glad that I participated in the training and met The KPI Institute team." Isil Aras, Network Operational Performance Senior Expert, EUROCONTROL, Belgium |
"We see the ability to understand and monitor the vital numbers behind the strategies and capabilities of our investments as vital to our competitive edge. I am confident that the course will help us to both sharpen our internal tools and to provide further value in our strategic sparring with company management." Angus Steel, Portfolio Manager Equities, Delta Lloyd Asset Management, Netherlands |
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