If your organization needs support in the implementation phase (for either a performance management system in customer service or other customer service processes or instruments) our specialists can offer you consulting. We will make sure that the framework (which proved its efficiency in multiple organizations) is adjusted to the specific needs of your industry or area of expertise and will overcome the expected change rejection reactions of the employees (commonly met in most organizations).
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- Accounting 7 items
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- CSR / Sustainability / Environmental Care 3 items
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- Governance, Compliance and Risk 5 items
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Practice domain
- Balanced Scorecard System 15 items
- Benchmarking 11 items
- Customer Service 11 items
- Data Analysis 13 items
- Data Visualization 3 items
- Employee Performance 51 items
- Innovation Performance 10 items
- Performance Improvement 101 items
- Performance Measurement 150 items
- Personal Performance 6 items
- Strategy and Business Planning 8 items
- Supplier Performance 7 items
- N/A 60 items