Certificate in Leadership for Senior Managers
This course is aimed at experienced managers who wish to build on their expertise by gaining a better insight into the concept of leadership.
Key business benefits
- Senior managers will develop the leaders of the future;
- Better decision making.
Skills Acquired
- Development of managers for succession planning;
- Leadership skills;
- Strategic thinking and decision making.
Learning objectives
- Recognise and practise the leadership styles most appropriate for their organisation;
- Handle change and the impact it has on the behaviour of their people;
- Understand how to motivate individuals and teams;
- Delegate more effectively to their team.
Day 1
Session 1: Introduction to Programme
- Objectives of the programme;
- Delegate introductions.
Session 2: Leadership vs Management
- Discussion on the difference between a Manager and a Leader;
- What are the attributes of a leader?
- Management Competencies Questionnaire;
- What are the key competencies for management and leadership;
- Exercise: Managers discuss with a colleague the results of the questionnaire and agree areas for development.
Session 3: Challenges of Change of the Modern Business World
- Why is a change in approach necessary?
- Exponential shifts in the pace of change;
- External factors which demand change PESTLE;
- How is your organisation adapting to these forces;
- How have the changes in your organisation affected your people in terms of performance, attitude and behaviour?
- The inevitable stages of change: Denial; Resistance; Exploration; Commitment;
- Actions to take during each stage;
- The role of the manager in change;
- Case Study: How 2 companies handle change during integration.
Session 4: Leadership styles
- The trait and behavioural schools of leadership;
- What real leaders are like in today’s business world?
- What are the key attributes required to be an effective leader;
- Benchmarking your performance against the best.
- Delegates are given a number of scenarios involving staff and team situations and have to choose from four possible actions;
- Scoring measures both style flexibility and style effectiveness;
- Delegates learn how to use the most effective style in each situation;
- Each manager will assess the maturity level of the members of their own team and consider what style they have been using and correct where necessary.
Session 6: Leading, Communicating, Relationship Building - DiSC
- A brief background to personality types;
- Introducing Thomas International DiSC PPA;
- Self-assessment reports – participants will have completed the questionnaire prior to the workshop;
- The dynamics of personality type – how to get the best out of yourself and the people who report to you;
- Implications for relationships with colleagues, clients, direct reports and superiors.
Session 7: Interpersonal skills
- The principles of Communication;
- How to influence and persuade others;
- The 3 elements: Credibility; Reasoned argument; Emotional appeal;
- What are the controllable elements of “credibility”;
- The art of listening.
Day 2:
Session 8: The Tower Exercise
- Participants have 30 minutes to forecast likely costs resources and revenues;
- Participants have to design the tower and estimate time required to build;
- This exercise tests leadership, teamwork, planning, delegation and meeting deadlines;
- Team Challenge: Building the Tower:- teams have to deliver to their forecast.
Session 9: Performance Management
- The role of the manager in developing people;
- The development interview;
- Role Plays: Delegates role play different situations keeping in mind the principles of situational leadership. Feedback is given and discussion on appropriate style and solutions;
- Management by objectives;
- How and how often to agree objectives with your people;
- How to write SMART objectives;
- How to handle the good, average and poor performer;
- Case Study: Performance Appraisal Role Play
Session 10: Motivating for Outstanding Performance
- The three wise men of motivation;
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs;
- Herzberg’s motivators and hygiene factors;
- Ideas to try out with your people;
- Case Study: “Motivating Mike Morgan.
Session 11: Coaching Techniques
- Defining coaching, counselling and mentoring;
- How to coach effectively;
- The TGROW method of coaching;
- Coaching Exercise: In threes managers try out the TGROW coaching methodology;
- Case Study.
Session 12: Writing and Presenting a Report
- As Senior Manager in charge of the above project, teams will be asked to make clear recommendations in a report;
- Each team will present their report to the “board”;
- Feed back will be given on both the report and the presentation and everyone will have the opportunity to analyse and critique the results.
Session 13: Putting it all into practice
- Delegates have the opportunity to question about any aspect of the course content;
- Course Summary;
- Course evaluation;
- Delegates will have a final opportunity to complete an action plan to commit themselves to new practices and behaviours on their return to work;
- Summary and Close.
Graeme l'Anson
Training and Development
Graeme I’Anson is an independent Training Consultant specializing in Sales, Leadership and Personal Impact Training.
Graeme has 25 years of experience training participants in 36 countries across the world.
After Graeme joined the family textile business and was involved in sales for many years he managed the business and export sales for over 10 years. He then joined a Training Consultancy in Scotland and successfully developed a broad range of clients in many industries and sectors. After 9 years Graeme then joined DC Gardner Training as Global Head of Sales and Management Training.
In his 12-year career with DC Gardner Training Graeme designed and delivered training programs for major international banks and corporate institutions in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the US. He was also responsible for the accreditation of all the trainers who trained for the company and this involved conducting numerous “Train the Trainer” workshops in London, New York, and Hong Kong.
Graeme specializes in Sales and Negotiation, and Management Development workshops as well as pitching and presenting. He is qualified in Thomas International’s Personality Profiling Assessment DiSC and MBTI.
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